About Us



Alex Yragui is a Freshman at the University of Michigan in Chemistry 215HH. She is a biology major and has a dog named Buster. She enjoys studying and watching funny videos, sometimes at the same time. Also she likes fashion, musicals, violin, and eating at Zingerman's. Pride and Prejudice is one of her favorite books.







Jordan Cordero is a Sophomore at the University of Michigan in Chemistry 215HH. He is a Classical Languages and Literature and Economics Major and enjoys watching basketball in all forms. He is from the South Side of Chicago, and likes to walk around there. He likes to just chill and do his thing and smile :)

Cooper Green is a Freshman at University of Michigan in Chemistry 215HH. He is a chemical / biomedical engineering major and is from Howell, Michigan. He enjoys reading, hanging out with friends. Also, he likes watching sports.
